Davao City's smoking ban
You have to praise the leaders of Davao City for implementing a City wide smoking ban in Public Places. I think a similar smoking ban was implemented in Makati but it didn’t last that long. For the first few weeks, they were rounding up people who smoking in public places. But after a few weeks more, it seems like that there was no Smoking Ban to begin with. I think the biggest difference is that Davao has created an Anti-smoking task force while in Makati, those who are catching smokers were part of the traffic enforcers pool. From January to July of Last year, 690 violators were apprehended by the Task force. The Ban includes government and private offices, bars, malls, churches and even Public transportation.
I think every city in the Philippines should follow Davao’s example. Though apprehending smoke belchers should be a priority too as well as those who burn their garbage. It’s not only dangerous to a person’s health but is also adds up to the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
City ordinance like this helps a lot in fighting Global warming. With the failure of climate conference in Copenhagen, little steps like this would a long way to help preserve the environment. I hope that who ever is elected for public office this May would have a strong commitment to preserve the environment
What we need is a little participation from the seller to make this campaign runs successfully.