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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is the war against Marijuana really lost?

A few weeks ago several states in the United States has legalized selling of Marijuana. Instead of allotting large amount of money in catching marijuana users and incarcerating them, Washington and Colorado has legalized selling of the Schedule 1 drug with the intention of putting taxes on it. The DEA describes marijuana as a drug could cause severe psychological and physical dependencies. Aside from Marijuana, Heroin, ecstacy and LSD are considered as schedule 1 substance.

So since they could not win the war against marijuana they decide to legalize it? So if more users are in favor of using drugs like heroin in the future they would legalized it as well? Is it because marijuana has some medical benefits that is why people are considering  to legalize it?  I saw this news a few weeks back about a child  having seizure and the only possible remedy is to have the child take medical marijuana. I am not sure I am in favor of that. I know it is the parent's decision but are there studies on the effects of medical marijuana to a child if he/she starts using it on a young age?

In the Philippines somehow I doubt that it would be made legal soon. I foresee that church would oppose it if in case they would try to legalize it. But then again, some politicians might think to legalized marijuana for the profit that it would gain for the country.

I might be open to about medical marijuana as long as there are research on the effect that it has if it is being use regularly. But for recreational marijuana, definitely no. Why? I don't think the Philippines or any country for the matter has foreseen the effects that it would have on the long run. This might trigger people n trying stronger type o drugs. They say that they are regulating it. But can they really regulate it?

Obama has said that "Marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol. That might be true. But just imagined what that means. You really can't drink alcohol while walking on the streets. Somehow drinking alcohol has it's limitation. If you had too much to drink in bar, the bartender would advise you to stop. If you have already smoke several joint in a day would anyone advice you to stop? Some might mistake a joint to a regular cigarette. Could they really stop someone walking on the streets while smoking pot? I am not sure of the current guidelines on using recreational marijuana in the United States but I doubt they could completely regulate the use of  recreational marijuana

What is your stand on legalizing Marijuana?


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