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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Following Season 2 Episode 1: Resurrection

Last season Joe Carroll was presumed dead after a boat house filled with gasoline exploded while he was still inside. After the incident, Ryan and Claire was trying to relax in his apartment when they got stabbed stabbed by one of the Joe's followers named Molly who was posing as Ryan's neighbor. Ryan was able to kill Molly by breaking her neck but he was too late. Molly was able to stab Claire in the chest which caused her death.

A year after the incident a group of men wearing mask of Joe's face appeared in the subway and started killing people. Ryan was asked to consult on the case but he refused to assist the FBI. It seems like Ryan is done with his obsession with Carroll. Later it revealed that he is not and has own room filled with notes regarding Joe Carroll and his followers.

Using a computer software, the FBI linked one of Joe's followers to the suspects of the subway killings. Carlos Perez was accompanied by two unknown accomplices. Ryan was one step ahead of them and was able to learn the location of Carlos Perez. He confronted Carlos and was able to learn that Joe did not die in the boat house. Carlos was able to escape. Immediately Carlos goes to a motel where one his friend named Giselle is staying. Later Carlos' two accomplices arrives. Luke and Mark are twins who was also responsible for the murder of Heather Clarke, a dancer that they killed earlier and left in park, propped up in a bench and taped with a Joe's book on her hands.

Carlos told them about Ryan Hardy showing up in his apartment. Luke was furious but was held by his brother. Luke seem to have relaxed and offered Carlos a hug. Luke then suddenly hit Carlos in the throat knocking him to the bed. Emma is hiding with another follower. They are bewildered with the events and have no idea who is responsible for the killings. Before the end of the episode Joe Carroll was seen watching Ryan' interview about not being involved with the investigation of the recent events. Carroll ha grown a beard and goes by the name of Daryll.

I didn't believe for a second that Joe is dead. But I wasn't expecting Claire to die. I thought she was an important part of the story being the woman that both Joe and Ryan ha fallen in love with. The followers seems more chaotic in this season. They don't coordinate with each other. Emma's group is completely clueless.

The following started with a strong season 2 premiere. I almost gave up on this show last year. But it seems like they have given a lot of thought on their story this time around. The  Mark and Luke plot is twisted but very well made. They are great addition to the show.  I think they are more scarier compared  to followers in season one. By declining to offer help to the FBI, Ryan Hardy is free to hunt down Joe and his followers. He is free to do anything to catch his targets.

The question now is, who is running the show? Was it Joe's idea to kill people on the subway or is it somebody else's idea? Or does the followers know that he is even alive? We have to see what happens next.

What are your thoughts on The following Season 2 episode 1?


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