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Thursday, October 7, 2010

How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1: Big Days

When the episode started I thought that it was a preview of Ted's wedding. It starts of with Ted sitting on a bench outside the church. Marshall comes along offers Ted a beer. For some reason Ted was nervous. Marshall asked him if he was because he was peeling off the label of his beer (something Ted does when he is nervous). I assumed that he was nervous because he was about to get married. 

The goes back to the present day were Ted is in their usual spot peeling off a Label while scribbling something. Barney asked him why he is nervous. Ted told him that he is gathering his courage to talk to a blonde on the bar. Barney immediately said "dibbs" which Ted eventually had to buy Barney's "Dibbs" for $20.

Soon after Robin came to bar all filthy with Cheetos hanging in her hair. Apparently Robin is not coping well with her break up with Don. Barney told her that she has lost it which made Robin to clean up and prove Barney wrong.

A girl met up with the blonde that Ted and Barney were eyeing. It was Cindy. A girl Ted dated last season and is the room mate of his future wife. I assume that this episode where Ted would finally meet the one that his looking for.I also assumed that the blonde was Cindy's room mate. Meanwhile Marshall and Lily were having an argument about their privacy. Lily is not happy that Marshall is telling his dad every single intimate detail of their lives. He can't keep it a secret from his colleagues at work as well.

Later Cindy talked to Ted and unexpectedly thanked him for making her realize what she wanted. Quite puzzling right? Later as Ted was about to make his move with the blonde that Cindy was with, Cindy and the blonde kissed. So that means that she is not the future Mrs. Ted Mosby. Most likely Cindy is with a different room mate now. Who knows? The creators of this series really know how to twist the story.

Later the scene was back to the church. It was revealed that it wasn't Ted's wedding and that he was just the best man. It was also revealed that he would meet his future wife in that wedding. The episode gave us clues but it also gave a lot more questions. A great series to watch. I can't wait until the next episode.


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