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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3: Unfinished

In season 4, Ted was offered to design the GNB Building. Unfortunately, the project was scrapped. Now the Barney is offering Ted the Job again although Ted is already contented to just be a college professor. Ted has declined the offer but Barney won't take no for an answer. Barney starts to make his move to convince Ted to take the Job apply his best arsenal in getting a woman.

Meanwhile Robin is having a hard time getting over Don. While watching the television, Robin saw Don which stirred up some emotions. Robin started leaving Don some voicemail which is violent in nature. Robin told the gang all about it and Lily suggested deleting Don’s number from Robin’s Phone. Robin eventually deleted the number and told Lily that it is done. Unfortunately Robin has memorized the number. Robin was still able to send several voicemail to Don.

Barney is still trying to convince Ted to take the Job. Barney told Ted that the Job was offered to another firm which somehow made Ted want it. Barney even used Marshall to tell Ted that the job was already given to another firm and that he finished the legal contract himself.  But Marshall could stand lying to Ted and told him the Job was still up for grabs.
Eventually Ted realized how much he wanted to build the GNB building. But before accepting the Job, Ted made Barney take him to dinner. In the end of the episode Barney was again watching Don’s shoe. Robin eventually forgot Don’s number and found her closure.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful creation I must say. I like this show and I like ted too. Its awesome show. I watch How I Met Your Mother Episodes online.
