My baby girl
Time flies fast. I was excited a few months back when I learned that my wife is pregnant. And now, She is only a few weeks away from giving birth to our first child. I am more excited now when I found out she may give birth within the next few weeks. It still feels surreal that I would be a father soon.
My wife visited her new OB-GYN last Monday. The doctor is new because we just decided to have her deliver our baby in her hometown. We have been planning it for months. She is now staying with her parents so that somebody would attend to her needs. When I am at home I always take care of her of course but when I at work she is all alone.
When she visited the doctor, she was told that she is 37 weeks pregnant. I read in some articles that the ideal number of weeks is 38 onwards but on articles 37 weeks is considered full term. Her doctor told her she could deliver that baby anytime soon and that she is on full term. She was told to walk for at least two to three hours a day so that baby would get into the right position.
Now the bags have been packed in case she starts labor anytime. Everything that she and the baby needs are already in that bag. I can't wait to see her. After months of waiting, we will start welcoming our baby girl to world.
Congrats to you and your wife. I have two kids (age 6 and age 1) they are my hearts!