Win 32 Virus crashed my Laptop!
I was doing an all nighter and was browsing several websites on how to make money online and how to make money through blogging. I came across a web site that is supposedly pay for blogging about certain products. It was really fault. My browser has prompted me that the site is untrusted by I still went on browsing it. After a few minutes I was prompted that my computer is infected with an Win 32 virus. I read about this type of virus and never expected to fall victim to this spyware. I didn't want to restart my computer due to fears that it might crashed. So I did a virus scan and it has detected that there are 4 infections. After selecting the heal infection option, I was prompted to restart the computer. I thought it was okay then to reboot my laptop. I was so wrong. after the initial loading of the XP logo, I was immediately log off. I pressed the log in button again and again but it keeps on logging out. I tried everything but nothing happened. I had to use my last resort. I had to reinstall my operating systems. Good thing that I have partitions, so I installed an OS in my drive D because I still need some files from my drive C. After copying the files I formated all my drives and installed a fresh copy of my OS. It was very tedious and spent most of my day reinstalling all my applications. Lesson learn. Don't ignore the prompts your antivirus application gives you. I had to find out the hard way.

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