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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Arrow Season 1 Episode 4: An Innocent Man

Don’t read if you haven’t watch the episode
The episode starts with John Diggle, Oliver’s bodyguard, wakes up in an abandoned warehouse that now serves as Oliver’s hideout. After the truth, Oliver asked Diggle to join him in his crusade. Diggle believes that Oliver is just a murderer and what he is doing is against the law. He refused the offer and left the hideout.
After returning home, Oliver saw the news about the execution of Peter Declan, a man who is connected to one of the people on his list Jason Brodeur. Declan’s wife, Camille, used to work for Brodeuer found out that Brodeuer was dumping chemical waste illegally and told his supervisor. A few days later Camille was found dead and Declan was blamed for the murder

Ollie enlisted the help of Sarah Lance’s help to reopen the investigation. With a few days left before the execution, time is running out to get the evidence that they needed to exonerate Declan. Ollie was able to get the evidence given to Camille to her Supervisor and gave it Sarah. Sarah then presented the evidence to a judge but it was not enough to set him free.
Knowing the threat that Sarah posed, Brodeuer starts panicking. His bodyguard suggested that they contact their friends from the prison to kill Sarah and Declan using a prison riot as a camouflage. Oliver learned of Brodeuer’s plans when he confronted him in his office. He was able to save Sarah and made Brodeuer’s bodyguard confess.

Diggle then agrees to help Oliver with his crusade. But he agreed to join because he is more concern in keeping Oliver from going to far off the edge losing his humanity. Later Detective Lance found footage of Oliver changing his clothes and wearing a ski mask during the Deadshot confrontation from the last episode. Lance then arrested Oliver for suspicion of being the Vigilante.


Walter Steele was investigating a 2.6 million dollar anomaly in their accounting. With further investigation he found the yacht that Oliver and Dad was in that shipwrecked five years ago in a warehouse bought by the missing 2.6 million dollars.
Not much new comic character shown in this episode but it is still good episode to watch. So many things happened in this episode that it is hard to believe that it all fits in one episode. Arrow is doing a good job so far. I can’t wait to watch the next episode.


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