Arrow Season 1 Episode 3: Lone Gunmen
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Oliver plans to cross out another name on his father’s list. He plans to interrogate James Holder, another corrupt millionaire. Before getting his answer, an assassin named Deadshot shoots down the Holder. Oliver and Deadshot engaged in an arrow vs. bullet shoot out but the later escaped and grazing Oliver with one of his poisoned bullet.
Back in Oliver’s hideout, he realized the bullet was poisoned and started feeling the effects. Oliver runs to his trunk and got a medicine to counter the poison. The Police started an investigation headed by Detective Lance. The police believed that their vigilante is responsible for the murder. But Lance wouldn’t accept the theory that “the hood”, as they refer to the vigilante, change his M.O.
Oliver suspected that his family would be the next target of Deadshot. He seeks the assistance of Detective Lance to keep his family safe. As he predicted Deadshot took the bait. Oliver tracks him down and was able to kill him. But then Diggle was shot while Oliver was trying to stop deadshot. Leaving him no choice, Oliver had to bring him to his hideout and reveal his identity.
Arrow is becoming one of the shows that I look forward to watching every week. Good thing CW did not make the mistake they did portraying Green Arrow in Smallville. They did great in bringing a comic character to life. Although they have been introducing new characters every episode, which is great by the way, they might quickly run out of comic characters to put in the show and end up inventing new ones. Well we just have to wait and see.
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