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Friday, September 10, 2010

Dengue Cases in the Philippines increased by 99% this year

Last year’s emergence of AH1N1 or the swine Flu has eclipsed the severity of dengue in the Philippines. For the whole year 2009, Dengue claim 369 lives while 501 fatalities were recorded in the first 8 months of this year. Last year 34997 dengue cases were recorded from Jan1 to Aug 28. This year dengue cases has reached 69594 during the same period. Dengue cases have risen by 99% this year.

Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Enrique Ona, said that the dengue cases normally peaks during the month of August. DOH is hopeful that the number of dengue cases would decline this year. East Avenue Medical Center in Quezon City normally receives 100 dengue consultations a day. Among the total number of dengue consultation 15 patients are admitted to the hospital. Since August 28, the number of dengue consolidation has dropped to 20 to 30 per day. Only 7 patients are admitted for dengue treatment. Even though the number of dengue cases has decline, more patients in Metro Manila are being admitted due to dengue are increasing. It is expected that Dengue cases would go down after the rainy season. But since it hasn’t rain that much in the past few weeks. And due to Climate change, the rainy season might not end as forcasted.

Symptoms of Dengue

1. Severe Abdominal pain

2. Persistent vomiting

3. Red spots or patches on the skin

4. Black stools,

5. Drowsiness

6. difficulty In breathing

7. Pale or cold skin

For dengue patients, one is encourage increasing intake of oral fluids like oresol, water and juices. DOH advices people to use mosquito nets. If vomiting and bleeding is persistent it is advisable to visit a doctor for consultations. Instead of Aspirin, patients are advice to take paracetamol. According to DOH, taking aspirin might induce bleeding.


  1. Follow certain precautions to avoid the disease from getting worse.

  2. It's sad to say Dengue cases are still increasing. The public should be informed already on how to prevent the virus. Our team is spreading the word to fight against Dengue and you can see it at www.greatmoms.net.
