Movie review: The Last Airbender
I was pretty excited when I first saw the trailer of this film. I had to finish watching the whole animated series in less than a week so that I could enjoy the movie more. I would give an A to the computer graphics, costumes and the location where they filmed the movies. They did a great job in recreating the northern water tribe. But that is the only thing that is good about the film.
The script was abysmal. Shyamalan failed to put the important parts of the animated series into the film. The movie was to fast phase and overall it was a boring film. Those who didn’t watch the animated series might enjoy the movie but most of the people who watched it would find the movie a total wreck. There are parts of the original animated series which were funny especially due to Sokka’s Jokes. Aang is supposed to be funny. But in the film Aang and Sokka was way too serious. I just don’t know how they would manage to bring in Tuff (the blind earth bender) in the second movie since she is very sarcastic and she is one of the funniest characters in the series.
There was no real emotional attachment to the film. There were really no “wow” moments. I have to admit that the graphics during the fight scene were great but the fight scene itself was boring. Appa is a big part of the animated series and there is supposed to be a strong attachment between him and Aang. But in the movie, it seems that Appa was just another creature that is only use for transportation. I don’t know why Avatar Roku is not in the film. He plays a big part in the first season of the animated series.
They did a poor job with the casting. Avatar is an Asian influence animated series due to martial arts. Some fans of the original series were enraged when the role of the people from the fire nations did not fell to Asian actors and actresses. I have to agree. Since the movie is an adaptation, they should have tried to make it as similar to the original series as possible. And I don’t know why they could pronounced Aang’s name right.
Overall the movie was a big disappointment. This is not a movie that I would enjoy watching over and over again. I am not certain if I will watch the second movie if there would decide to make a movie about the second book of the animated series.
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