How I met your mother Season 9 Episode 11: Bedtime Stories
Marshall and Marvin have taken the bus after dropping off Daphne in the last episode. Marshall has to rhymes while telling the story in order to make Marvin sleep. He first tells the the story Ted while he was still a professor. A new physics teacher, Lisa, introduced herself and was asking Ted pointers on how to teach. She invited him to dinner which Ted initially thought was a date. Lisa was giving mixed signal which confused Ted. They then started thanking about a New York Yankee Player that Lisa dated. She said that she dated Derek Jeter, but when she showed Ted his photo, it is revealed that Barney was pretending to be a Yankee player.
The next story involve Robin. After breaking up with one of her exes, Robin was depressed and was eating sweets in one of the bakery in New York. She ran into one of her exes Simon Tremblay (James Van Deer Beek). He has put his act together and seems to be successful. He told Robin that e is getting married to Louise Marsh (the girl why Simon broke up with Robin). Robin got angry and stole Simon's wedding cake. Ted learned what Robin did and called Lily for help. By the time Lily arrived half the cake was already eaten. Instead of Lily telling her that what she did was wrong, she encourages her to finish eating the whole cake. Robin finished the cake and washed it down with beer.
The next story inolves Barney. Apparently Barney is part of a high Council of Players. According to some of the council members, Barney broke their agreement and hooked up with a girl who resides out of his territory. The council demanded Lily and Robin as payment for his actions. Barney agreed and had everyone drink champagne. Barney poisoned the drink and killed everyone.
Before the episode ended, the bus got a flat tire. While waiting Marshall and the other passengers watched a fireworks display. Future Ted said that the fireworks would Marvin's first memory. Marshall was told that the Farhampton Inn is just 5 miles away. Marshall believes that he could walk to the Inn. Future Ted stated that Marshall's decision would be a big mistake.
The episode was funny but it seems like a filler episode. With a few episodes left in the series, I wonder if it would be enough to give How I met your mother a proper ending. I have a question though. While Marshall was with Daphne, the Rhyming bedtime story was not an issue. In fact it never came up. I hope the next episode would feature more of the present day events rather than flashback
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