Movie Review: Cirque du Freak The vampire's assistant
Darren Shan is a normal 16 year old boy. Everything changes when he met a vampire named Larten Crepsley while watching a visiting freak show. Due to a series of events, Darren was forced to become a vampire to save his best friend's life and end a 100 year old truce between vampire and vampenezee.The story is quite different from the vampire stories that I have read or watched. Despite being a film about vampires the movie lacks a very important component of all vampire stories – Blood. I was a bit intrigued. I wouldn’t really say that I completely enjoyed watching it. But I had to admit that it was a bit interesting because it is different from the popular vampire story like true blood and twilight. I am really confused though, I really don’t know whether the film is a horror or a comedy movie.
I found the movie’s concept on how to make a vampire weird. We have been accustomed to the idea that a vampire has to bite a human and let the human feed on their blood to complete the transformation. But instead, all they had to do is make a paper cut like wound and mixed the blood of the vampire and human by putting their fingers together. The story does not revolve around the typical vampire story stereo type. In the story, vampires use their saliva to heal themselves and they do age but they age very slowly.
I haven’t read the book and I base my opinion from the movie.This is one of those movies that I don’t think I’ll watch twice. I might watch the succeeding 2 movies in the trilogy (if there would be any) just to see what happens next. I wonder if I’ll enjoy the movie more if I read the book first. I guess I’ll just have to get a copy of the book so that I could make a comparison.