Church protest Department of health's condom distribution campaign
In an effort to control growing HIV epidemic, the Department of Health (DOH) has been giving away contraceptives which made conservative groups and the church frown on their activities. The church considers the use of contraceptives as act of immorality. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has pushed to ban condom advertisement in television, radio, movies, newspaper, magazines, and public places. The CBCP believes that condom commercial weakens the moral fiber of the youth. Three bishops have requested the resignation of Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral calling her immoral for the distribution of Condoms last month.
Contraceptive may be a necessary measure to avoid the increase in number of HIV infected Filipinos and also it prevents unwanted teenage pregnancy. Condoms are not 100% effective to prevent pregnancy and disease transmission but on more occasions it would be. The Church has the moral responsibility to protest the DOH campaigns since they are a moral safeguard. They opposed the promotion of artificial family planning and believe that birth control should be done through natural means.
This is the problem. Teenager nowadays engaged in sexual activity as early as 13 years old and even younger. The internet does not have an effective means of prevent underage user in accessing websites with explicit content. It is the same with TV shows. Even though there is a “Parental Guidance” notice, it is ineffective if there is no adult around while they are watching. Video of sex scandals are easily transferred and viewed with Cellphone that has video capabilities. People are not that educated with the natural means of birth control. There are misconception on how many days is it safe to have intercourse after menstruation. People are confused whether it is 3 or 5 days after but most say that it is only safe until 3 days.
Personally I think they should educate people about contraceptive. The population and the number of people infected with sexually transmitted disease are increasing at an alarming rate. Condom commercial may prompt children to learn about sex at an earlier stage but I think it would be better if they learn the disadvantages of having premarital sex sooner rather than later. I remember when I was still in high school, they thought sex education in a day and that is only a 30 minute class. They have to change the way they teach sex education in schools. They should teach children the responsibility that comes with premarital sex and the outcome if they get pregnant at an early age. Times are changing. The way people are changing as well. I think there should be a different approach when it comes to this delicate topic which is considered by a lot of Filipinos taboo.

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