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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jappy’s thought on being a first time dad

When I first heard that my wife is pregnant, I was filled with joy. I was so happy because having a baby is what my wife and I have been praying for.  We are lucky to be blessed with a child. I always thought that marriage is incomplete without a child. And I still do. We are now both eager for our child’s arrival to the world.
Three years ago, I wouldn’t have expected that I would be a father at this stage of my life. I have changed so much and have given up a lot of things. I have grown a lot more mature and lot more responsible in the last couple of months than I have in the last few years.
Now I also feel fear because everything is so new to me. Fear that we might not be ready to raise this child. Fear of what is to happen in the next few months. But I think I am afraid because I don’t know much about pregnancy. My wife and I have been reading up about pregnancy and have been watching a lot of videos on what to expect. And off course the advices from our friends and family helps a lot. Learning more about pregnancy and what to expect lessens my fear.
My wife is now five months pregnant and in a few months, she will give birth to our first child. She is very eager to buy things for our baby. But since we still do not know the gender of our child, we decided to wait. Tomorrow we will be visiting our OB and hopefully we will have another ultrasound to see how the baby is doing.
During her last ultrasound, the baby was so energetic. First it seems that the baby was not facing forward. I really wanted to see the movements so I asked our baby to turn around. And the baby did. The baby must have heard me. It was so exciting and seeing the baby through the monitor is such a delight.
We are also excited to know the baby’s gender but it is too early to know at this stage. My wife told me that if the child is a boy, chances are high that the child would be more attached to the mother. And if the child is a girl, it would be probably more attached to me. I don’t really mind if it is a girl or a boy. What matters to me is that the child is healthy. A friend of mine decided not to know their child’s gender until her wife delivers the child. He wanted it a surprise. I am not sure if I could have the same restraint though. I am so eager to know since this is our first child.
There is no greater joy than being a father. My friends have always told me once the child is born, you really can’t wait to go home. All your worries would be flushed away once you see your child. I can’t wait to see my child. We still have to wait about four more months.How I wish time could fly.


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