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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Under the Dome Season 1 episode 2: The Fire

When Barbie woke up he realizes that his dog tag has gone missing. He set out to retrieve it at the Cabin where he killed Peter Shumway. Junior Rennie has followed him believing that he and Angie has a sexual affair. Out of Jealousy Junior confronts Barbie and a fight broke out. 

The radio station DJ Phil and radio engineer Dodee has pick up a transmission between the Military groups stationed outside the dome. Julia heard about it and shared the information to townsfolk using the radio. After Duke Perkins’ death, Big Jim and Reverend Coggins plans to destroy the evidence regarding the propane Shipment. Coggins set Duke’s house on fire but miscalculated and got himself trapped inside. The town has cooperated to pass on the buckets of water to stop the fire from spreading further. Jim Rennie runs of unexpectedly but came back with a tractor to bring down the foundation of the house.

One of the town’s deputies, Paul, has gone hysterically and shot a bullet at the dome. Unfortunately the bullet ricocheted and hit another deputy, Freddy killing him instantly. Paul was subdued by Barbie and was arrested soon after.

We learn more about the secrets of the People of Chester’s Mill are keeping and the lengths that they are willing to do to keep it secret. People are starting to become desperate and people are panicking. I expect that more of this panic will manifest in the future episode.  There more questions still yet left unanswered. Hope next episode we will get more answers.


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