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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Smallville Season 9 Finale

I have been busy lately that I have not had the chance to catch up with my favorite TV series. I have been an avid fan of Smallville and I have watched all the episode since season 1. I have to admit that I prefer the first three season of Smallville. The fourth season onward was filled with a lot of stories not connected to the Comics. But then again, the whole story of the series was from a 20 minute part of the Superman movies which starred Christopher Reeves.

At first I really enjoyed watching the series and the 1 week wait for the next episode to air was way too long for me. It was so exciting then. But I have started to lose interested with the series. The series is starting to be more like a Justice League series than a story about Clark.I think they have delayed his flight long enough. I have been waiting for it in the last four seasons.

There were a episodes in the last season that have spark my interest though. I enjoyed the episode called "Justice". It was an one hour episode on how Clark met the Justice League. It was pretty interesting how the episode turned out.

Now that season 9 has ended. There are a lot of questions that everybody who is watching the series is asking. Will it be time to Fly for Clark? In the last part of the season Finale, Clark was falling from a building unable to use his power because he was stabbed by Zod with a Blue Kryptonite. All the Candorians were transported to a different planet. But is the place the paradise that they hope for? In the episode, Clark had a short dream in the year 2013. In the dream, the newspaper front page is saying that Lex Luthor would be running for president.

So these are the questions that Smallville are asking for. Will Clark fly at last? Will Michael Rosenbaum return to Smallville to play as Lex Luthor? Is that the end of Zod? Will Clark finally wear his cape in the coming season?

Michael Rosenbaum

I think Clark will finally learn to fly. For Lex Luthor to return to Smallville, I really hope so. He has not done that much damage to Clark to be really called his arch enemy. For Zod, I don't know what will happen to him. But remember in the Superman movie, Lex Luthor offered his help to Zod. I guess we will have to see.

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