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Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's so great to be kids

When I was young, I hated taking my afternoon nap since I wanted to play. Now with everything going in my life, I don’t get enough time for sleep. When I was in high school, I couldn’t wait to turn 18 and get my driver’s license. When I finally got my license, my mom always asked me to take her somewhere to run an errand. During those time I wish never had a license to begin with. Now I don’t own my own car and I miss driving. When I was in college, I wanted to finish my studies quickly so that I could earn my own money. Little did I know that earning money is not that easy. It was easier back then when I was not aware how hard it is to earn and just had to wait for my allowance. When I was still in college, I use to hate summer vacation because I got bored really fast. Now that working, I long for a long vacation away from work.

Ain’t it funny? Our worries when we were younger were so trivial that I now realize that it is not even worth worrying about in the first place. Life is way easier when we were younger. Free of all the problems in the world. Free from responsibilities, bills and worries if there is not enough food in the refrigerator. The only problem that I was worrying about when I was six was how long would I have to pretend sleeping or would I get the chance to watch my favorite afternoon cartoon show? When I was in college, I worried about the deadline for the submission of my turn paper or thesis or would I be able to graduate.

Everything was so simple back then and now I wonder I have spent enough time when I was younger having fun? Did I spend enough time being a kid? I remember this line from a movie called 10 things I hate about you. I goes something like “You won’t know what you want until your forty. And When you do you’re too late to use it” I can’t remember if that was the exact line. I guess everyone has to learn to enjoy the ride. If I knew back then how life really works, I would have spent more time having fun but of course fun with limits. Too much fun is not good for anyone. Too much of anything is not good either.


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