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Monday, June 15, 2015
Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation
Ethan faces his most challenging mission as he tries to eradicate a rogue organization known as the Syndicate. The Syndicate is as highly skilled as they are and set on destroying the IMF. The movie is set to be release on July 2015
Check out the trailer
Upcoming Movie: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Check out the latest trailer for Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The movie stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman. The movie is set to be release on March 2016.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Is your face sounds familiar Philippines a fair competition?
For the last 12 weeks I have been watching this show. And I am impressed with the performances. Well most of them at least. So why do I ask if your face sounds familiar is a fair competition? First of all. The producers seems to be biased with some of the artist. Tutti is always impersonating rock stars. Maxene is mostly impersonating rappers and Karla is always impersonating Divas. Most impersonators are given task that they are very well familiar with. While some them were given the hardest task of impersonating that others. I am talking about Nyoy, Edgar Allan and Melai who has been switching from male to female artist more frequently than other.
Second the contestants are not voting for the best performance but there are voting based on completely different criteria. A good example is for Maxene’ performance as her late father Francis M. I thought Melai’s Rihanna performance, Edgar Allan’s Ed Sheeran and Nyoy’s Sylvia la torre impersonation was better. Last week EA’s MC hammer, Nyoy’s Rod Stewart and Jayr’s Alanis Morrisette was better than Tutti’s Ely Buendia performance. I even thought that he was more Raymund Marasigan than Ely. I think they voted for him since he is the only one left without a win.
But to be fair, they made up for it with the revelation of the top 4 finalist. I think Nyoy, Jay-r, Melai and Edgar Allan all deserve to be part of the top 4. Then again the Grand winner will be based on the highest text votes where the most popular but not always the most deserving ends up winning.
What are your thoughts?
Your face sounds familiar Finale airs tonight
Last Sunday, the top 4 for your face sounds familiar Philippines has been announced. Nyoy Volante got the highest score with 257 points. Jay-r got the second place with 246 points. Melai and Edgar Allan are both tied for the third and fourth spot.
I am glad that the two of my picks are part of the Final four which is Nyoy and Edgar Allan. Next week on the finale, the winner will be decided with the highest number of text votes which in my opinion wouldn’t be fair for the contestant. Why? History has shown with shows like American Idol or the Voice that the deserving contestant doesn’t usually end up bagging the title.
I hope they would change the criteria to 50% judge’s vote and 50% text voting. This way at least those without a huge fan base wouldn’t end up winning. Remember Voice Philippines last two winners? Since Sarah Geronimo has a huge fan base, her team ended up with the win.
Well will see. I kind of reminds of the pageants way back in high school those who manage to sell more tickets ended up winning even though they are not clearly to most talented and most deserving.
My vote is for Nyoy. Since the start of the show, Nyoy has been consistent with his performance and I am glad that he ended getting votes from his co-contestant last week. My second choice would be for Edgar Allan.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Postmodern Jukebox Cover: All About the Bass
Check out this Postmodern Jukebox cover All about the Bass originally sang by Meghan Trainor.
Postmodern Jukebox is group of rotating musicians doing covers of pop songs with twist of jazz, ragtime and swing. Check out the video
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Flash Season 1 Episode 22: Rogue Air Review
In the last episode, Wells has unleashed Grodd to distract Barry and the team. Wells has been repairing the particle accelerator and has just turned it on.
The team discovers that Wells has been hiding in S.T.A.R. labs the entire time and soon found and rescues Eddie. Learning that Iris would end up marrying Barry in the future, Eddie ended their relationship.
Knowing that the particle accelator might end up killing their prisoners, Barry seeked the help of Leonard Snart to transport them to an airfield and eventualty to an A.R.G.U.S facility in Lian Yu.
But before agreeing to help Barry, Leonard wanted Barry to delete all of his records in all law enforcement database. Barry did that despite Joe's objection.
Snart eventually betrayed Barry. He tampered with the containment system and the prisoners got away. Snart explained that now the prisoners owes him and would have a use for their talents in the future.
Barry's problems doesn't end there. Wells has returned now that the particle accelerator is fully charged. Barry , Oliver and Ronnie teamed up to defeat wells. Using coordinated attacks and nanite injections to disable Wells' speed, they are were able to capture wells.
Now here are questions. By the way spoiler alert!. Eventually Kaitlin and Cisco would become metahumans as well. Now that particle accelator is online, would this mean that it is time for Barry's friends to gain metahuman powers?
Second. What is Wells up to? Would he use accelerator to go back to his time? Or does he have a different agenda?
Now the next question is about the timeline. It was mentioned that Oliver was with the League of Assasins when Barry needed help with transporting their prisoners. But in the end he was there to fight Wells. How did Barry Contact him? If you are watching Arrow, Oliver has been stuck with the League for weeks. And the only time he was back in Starling City is when he was trying to capture Niisa. Was he able get away from the league during that time?
Lastly have you seen the trailer for the new arrow-flash spinoff series called DC's legend of tomorrow? If not click here for the trailer. Why am I asking? Again another spoiler alert. Leonard Snart a.k.a Captain Cold would eventually team up with Atom, Firestorm, White canary and Hawkgirl. Knowing that Snart is a criminal I thought this episode would be turning point for him to join the good side. Or even have some clues. I guess the writers would have to leave us hanging a little bit longer. DC's Legend of tomorrow would air in 2016. What are your thoughts?
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Upcoming DC and Marvel movies from July 2015 to July 2019
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Here is a list of movies from July 2015 to July 2019 of your favorite Marvel and DC's Characters. The battle of DC and Marvel in big screen is currently heating. Currently Marvel is leading of off course. DC has a lot of catching up to do. Check out the complete list
July 2015 - Ant-Man
Aug 2015 - Fantastic Four
Feb 2016 - Deadpool (at first I thought it is a Spawn Movie)
March 2016 - Batman Vs. Superman
May 2016 - Captain America Civil War
May 2016 - X-men: Apocalypse
July 2016 - Doctor Strange
August 2016 - Suicide squad
Oct 2016 - Gambit
March 2017 - Wolverine
May 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy 2
June 2017 - Wonder WOman
July 2017 - Spiderman
July 2017 - Fantastic Four 2
Nov 2017 - Thor
Nov 2017 - Justice League
March 2018 - The Flash
May 2018 - The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1
July 2018 - Black Panther
July 2018 - Aquaman
Nov 2018 - Captain Marvel
April 2019 - The flash
May 2019 - The Avengers: Infinity War Part 2
June 2019 - Justice League 2
July 2019 - Inhumans
Wondered why Tuition Fee increase is so rampant in Philippines?
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A college student would have to take more of units (subjects) during their freshmen year. The units would lessen as the students progress with his education. Ideally when the number of units taken by a college students decreases, the their tuition fee would decreases as well. But that is not what is happening.
Based on my experience, I took 30 units on my freshmen year. Tuition fee was around Php16,000 then. That was in 1996. During my senior year, I was only enrolled to around 16 units but paying the same amount that I was paying during my freshmen year. So every year although I was enrolling to less number of units, my parents were paying the same amount. Right now the tuition fee in my Alma mater is ranging from Php 60,000 to Php 75,000 per semester. I wondered how much it would cost after another 10 years?
So why is this all happening? In 1982 the president then, Ferdinand Marcos signed the Education of 1982. Basically it gave Private Educational institutions free reign on the tuition fee increase. A commercialization of Philippine Educational System sort to speak. A few years later the Government created the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). One of the purpose of CHED is to approve the tuition fee increase of educational institution. But as we all know, they are not doing a good job in regulating it.
Educational institution claims that 70% of the tuition fee increase goes to the teachers and the rest would go to upgrading of the school's facilities. If that were true how come many teachers a going abroad to work as domestic helpers or would take a job on a different field?
So should we blame Marcos for the enactment of this law? I think we should but I think the blame should also fall on all the succeeding leaders for turning a blind eye to what is happening with Philippine Education System. If they continue to ignore this issue I am afraid that several years from now Filipinos would encounter the same problems as we are facing now.
Just to clear things up. I am not an activist. I am just another parent who would face the same difficulty that my parents did. My child has just started to go to school. 10 to 15 years from now I wonder how much it would cost to provide a great quality of education?
What are your thoughts?