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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Merlin Season 5 Episode 13: The Diamond of the Day part 2

Don’t read if you haven’t seen the episode

 The Battle of Camlann continues and Merlin races to Arthur’s Aid. Outnumbered, Arthur and Camelot were on the verge of defeat. Merlin disguises himself as Dragoon the great and unleashes his magic and rained thunder on the Saxons. Morgana was totally useless again Merlin and a surge of his magic knocked Morgana out so easily. The Saxons were outmatched by Merlin’s magic and retreated immediately.

In the battlefield, Arthur faces Mordred but was stabbed right away. Immediately Arthur stabbed Mordred as well killing him instantly. Merlin found Arthur and brought him out of harms way. Back at the camp, Leon informs Gwen that the battle has been won but they are unable to find Arthur.

Gwen and the others return to Camelot but the patrol is still being dispatched for their missing king. Eira is trying to find out more information from Gwaine about Arthur whereabouts. Her persistent questioning has made Gwaine suspicious. Later they caught Eira sending message to Morgana. Gwaine however provided a wrong information leading Morgana to the opposite directions of Merlin’s destination.  She was later hanged for her betrayal.
Arthur awakens finding Merlin in his side. Merlin then revealed that he has magic that made Arthur feeling betrayed. He was reluctant to have Merlin tend his wounds. Gauis meets them then later and revealed to Arthur the he had known that he was a sorcerer all along. They then travel to Lake of Avalon where Merlin hopes that the ancient Magic of the Sidhe will heal Arthur. But before leaving Arthur entrust the royal seal to Gauis with instructions that it would be given to Gwen. Gauis then hugs Merlin and told him that his dinner will be waiting for him. Gauis however had the feeling that Merlin would not return to Camelot.

A very disturbed Morgana orders her men to keep searching for Arthur. When she received the message from Eira, she immediately rides to search for Arthur. Gwaine and Percival are both waiting for them was able to kill all of Morgana’s men. Unfortunately for them, Morgana was too powerful and they were captured. Morgana used her magic to get the information from Gwaine. The tortured was too much for him and moments later after Percival found him, he died.

On their way to Avelon, Merlin reveals more of his magic to Arthur as he defeated two Saxons who was pursuing them. Arthur asked why he is acting like a servant knowing what he really is. Merlin told him that he was destined to serve him. On their way to the Lake , Morgana was able to catch up to them. Using her magic she magically pushed Merlin and thought he was knocked out. Later Merlin told Morgana that he felt responsible for what she has become and was holding Excalibur. Morgana told Merlin no mortal blade could kill her but as soon as Merlin stabbed her, he explains that the sword was forged with Dragon’s breath. That marks the end of Morgana and Arthur says that they have achieved peace at last. Eventually Arthur accepts Merlin for being a sorcerer and says Thank you to him before he died. Desperate, Merlin called Kilgarrah for a final favor. Kilgarrah informed Merlin that there is nothing else he could do and the he was destined to die and Arthur is the once and future king, and one day when Albion is in great need, Arthur will rise again.

Gwen was then proclaimed as the next ruler of Camelot after the Sir Leon announced that Arthur has died. The episode ended with Merlin walking near the Lake of Avalon while a truck passed by implying that Merlin has lived since Arthur’s time until modern day England waiting for Arthur’s return. 

I felt that the two part Finale was not enough to end the series properly. It would have been great if there was a showdown between Morgana and Merlin using magic. There was no really proof that Merlin was the most powerful sorcerer of all time aside from the defeating the Saxons while disguised as Dragoon the great. I think there was nothing really significant with Merlin’s magic. It seems that Morgana was more powerful. When she saw Merlin on top of the mountain threw bolts of lightning and using his magic to defeat the Saxons, why did she have to shout “Emyrs!” then got knocked out immediately right after?

So did magic return to Camelot? What happened after Arthur’s death? Why did they say that Aithusa is a good omen? She was a burden to Camelot after all. Without Merlin’s ability to talk to dragons, she would have killed Arthur and the rest of them. Mordred was anti-climactic. After all the build up, he died instantly. I know Excalibur is extremely powerful but Mordred’s death was not what I expected.

The series ended with what most Arthurian legend are based from. In the Legends, Arthur killed Mordred but was fatally wounded. In an attempt to save his life, he travels to Lake of Avalon where it is believed that the water have magical healing powers. It is also said that Excalibur was thrown to the lake so that no mortal men could use it. It is also said in the legend that Arthur died before reaching the Lake .

Even though I was a bit disappointed with the finale, I thought they ended the series fairly well and has stay true to legends. As much as I have wanted Arthur to survive and rule further, I am glad they followed the legend. However I felt that they did not portrayed Merlin as the most powerful Sorcerer of all time. I was waiting for more magic. I was waiting for something more extraordinary. I am sad to see the series end as I have been a Merlin fan since it first aired five years ago. I guess I have to wait for another show that is based on the Arthurian Legend.


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