The Following Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot
The shows revolve around the lives of former FBI agent Ryan Hardy and the infamous serial killer that he caught named Joe Carroll. Years after Carroll’s arrest and days before his execution, the Carroll killed five guards and successful escaped prison. The now retired Ryan Hardy was called by the FBI as a consultant to apprehend Carroll.
The Police then put Carroll’s ex-wife, Claire Mathews, under protection. Also they immediately put Dr. Sarah Fuller, Carroll’s last victim who survived, under protection as well. Little does Ryan and the FBI knows that Carroll has created a master plan to abduct Sarah and finish his work. At first Carroll sent one of his followers to the FBI and ordered her to stab herself in the eye. They later discovered that a prison guard named Jordy help Carroll escaped. They discovered that he is learning to Carroll’s way using animals. Later Ryan talked to Claire and we soon discovered that they had an affair. Claire mentioned that Carroll’s book was a way of tribute to his hero Edgar Allan Poe and in a way the book was to finish Poe’s work. Ryan soon realized that Carroll would go after Sarah to finish his work. Ryan then rushed to Sarah’s house but they were too late. Sarah’s neighbors Paul and Jacob abducted her and delivered her to Carroll. Ryan found a picture in Paul and Jacob’s apartment taken in a lighthouse in Virginia.
Ryan then went to the lighthouse and heard Sarah screaming. He found Carroll but he was too late. Carroll was able to finish his work and killed Sarah by removing her eyes. Carroll explained that the eyes is connected by 7 seven muscles and that he removes it one by one. In the end the voice that Ryan heard was from a recording. Sarah was hanging upside down with a rope tied to her feet.
Ryan then jumped Carroll and was about to strangle him to death. Moments later the FBI arrived and Carroll announced that he is surrendering. Later Ryan questioned Carroll. Carroll explained that Sarah was killed for Ryan’s benefit. He explained that Ryan is part of his plans and that his followers have something in store for him. Carroll demanded that he talks to Claire but Ryan said that she would agree with it. Before the episode ended, Claire’s son, Joey, went missing. Emma, Joey’s babysitter, took him and delivered him to Paul and Jacob. The episode ended with Carroll shouting “Call Claire!”
This is one of best pilot that I have seen in a while. I am personally drawn more to Joe Carroll than Ryan Hardy. I like the idea that the hero has flaws as Carroll has stated in the episode. After being stab by Carroll while saving Sarah, Ryan had to have a pacemaker to keep his heart pumping. In the pilot episode it showed that his heart condition hinders Ryan physically. In the episode it also shows that he has drinking and attitude issues. I am sure we will discover more of Ryan’s reputation in the next episodes.
Since Carroll is days away from his execution, I have the feeling that they would postponed it to get more information from him. As he has stated, Carroll would in some way help Ryan. I bet the series would revolve around catching Carroll’s followers. We just happen next to Ryan. Will he be reinstated by the FBI? I have this feeling that a member of the FBI or some other agency is part of Carroll’s cult. We have met 5 followers so far: Jordy, Paul, Jacob, Emma and the girl who committed suicide. The real question is how many are still out there?