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Friday, September 11, 2009

Global Warming

The sun is the main source of the earth’s energy. The Sun’s solar energy is transmitted via infrared rays. While one thirds of the infrared rays are reflected back to space, the greenhouse gases traps the remaining two thirds which causes the Earth’s temperature to increase. This is called the greenhouse effect. This is actually a good thing because without it, the planet would too cold and inhabitable. Since Carbon Dioxide emission has increased significantly in the past few years, the planet is heating up rapidly as well.The increase in the planet’s temperature is called global warming.
Global warming has caused the increase in frequency and the intensity of floods, drought, and Hurricanes. Due to the increased in the planet’s temperature, the three largest masses of ice, (Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland) is at risk of melting off. If this happens, sea level will increase significantly. That is not the only problem, the glaciers, permafrost and the ice acts like a giant mirror that reflects back infrared rays. Imagine how hot it will be if that remaining one third of infrared rays is not reflected back to space. Global warming also changes the amount and pattern of precipitation.

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