Arrow Season 1 Episode 8: Vendetta
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Helena Bertinelli continues her quest for vengeance as she targets the head of the Triad but Oliver was there to stop her. Reluctant at first, Helena agreed to let Oliver teach her how to bring down his father without any unnecessary killing. Diggle doesn’t approve Oliver’s partnership with Helena as he had told Oliver that she can’t be trusted. Oliver goes through with his plan hoping that Helena would turn a new leaf. He thought her how to conceal her identity and tried to teach her how to use an arrow. But instead he gave her a crossbow.
Tommy Merlyn is still unemployed and Laurel suggested that he ask Oliver for a job with the new night club that Oliver is planning to start. Tommy and Laurel met Helena and Oliver on a restaurant. Helena suggested that Tommy and Laurel join them in the table since the two are still waiting for their table. Things started to go weird as Helena learned that Oliver used to date Laurel who is now dating his best friend. Helena stormed out of the restaurant and the two had a fall out. Tommy and Laurel also had a fight since Laurel unintentionally embarrassed him by asking Oliver for the Job before Tommy was able to talk to him.
Helena then targeted the Triad and managed to kill the head but before leaving he told one of the survivors that Frank Bertinelli was responsible for the hit. The Triad retaliated and China White led her men to Bertinelli residence and killed most of the men guarding it. With all the commotion, Frank opened his safe and took the laptop that holds evidence of the crime that he and his former associate, Nick Salvati, committed. As he was trying to escape Helana shot him with an arrow and revealed that she was responsible for the killing of his associates and ruining of his company. She was about to kill him when Oliver shot an arrow that threw the crossbow a few feet away. She then started to fight Oliver when Frank got the crossbow and shot Helena . Oliver then knocked Frank asleep and rescued Helena before the cops arrest her.
Back in his hideout, Helena was still angry that Oliver tried to stop her from killing her father. She was not satisfied with him just being arrested. She believes that she will get justice on when his father is dead. Tommy then asked Oliver for the job and told him that he was cut off from his trust fund. Oliver immediately agreed to hire him.
The episode is not bad. Although I think that Helena ’s jealously over Laurel being the cause for their breakup and her refusal to take a more righteous path is quite lame. But then again she is already unstable as it is. As Oliver has mentioned that she has already gone over the edge. We all learn that the first name of Tommy’s father is Malcolm.
I just don’t get one thing though. In the previous episodes Oliver seems to be pulling away from Tommy but in this episode it seems that they like friends again. I don’t know if it is just me but he is always cold when talking to Tommy in the previous episode. Did anyone notice it?
When China White got shot with an arrow, does that mean she is dead since there were no indications after the attack in the Bertinelli residence that she is alive? If she is already dead then that sucks! I hope she isn’t. She was great opponent for the Green Arrow. I guess this is goodbye to the Huntress for now. We all have to wait if she returns again in future episodes.
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