The walking dead season 3 episode 1: Seed
Warning: Don't read if you haven't seen this episode
Months after the events from season two, Rick and the rest of the survivors are exhausted and have not been in one place for long period of time.
It seems like Lori is only a few weeks off from delivering the baby and the group is in desperate need of place to stay. Then they found a prison filled with walkers. But with a lot of effort, shooting and stabbing, they were able to kill a lot walkers and found a secure part of the prison. The next day they pushed further and was able to secure a cell block. But they had to push a little more further to find medicine and food for the group.
As they searching for supplies, Maggie and Glenn were separated from the group. When they have evaded the walkers, Rick and the others went back to look for their missing colleagues. Hershel was bitten by a walker and in an attempt to save his life, Rick had to cut off Hershel's leg with an axe. The episode ended with Daryl pointing his crossbow at some of survivors from the prison.
This is a great start for the walking dead. It has the making of another great season. I am curious on what is in store for fans this season. There a lot of new characters from the survivors of the prisons to the group that has taken Michonne and Andrea to place called Woodbury

Months after the events from season two, Rick and the rest of the survivors are exhausted and have not been in one place for long period of time.
It seems like Lori is only a few weeks off from delivering the baby and the group is in desperate need of place to stay. Then they found a prison filled with walkers. But with a lot of effort, shooting and stabbing, they were able to kill a lot walkers and found a secure part of the prison. The next day they pushed further and was able to secure a cell block. But they had to push a little more further to find medicine and food for the group.
As they searching for supplies, Maggie and Glenn were separated from the group. When they have evaded the walkers, Rick and the others went back to look for their missing colleagues. Hershel was bitten by a walker and in an attempt to save his life, Rick had to cut off Hershel's leg with an axe. The episode ended with Daryl pointing his crossbow at some of survivors from the prison.
This is a great start for the walking dead. It has the making of another great season. I am curious on what is in store for fans this season. There a lot of new characters from the survivors of the prisons to the group that has taken Michonne and Andrea to place called Woodbury
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