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Monday, January 9, 2012

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

It took me a while to write this review since I was pretty busy and just had the chance to watch the movie recently. Harry Potter fans was not disappointed in the last installment of the Deathly Hallows part 2.

Being able to read all 7 seven Harry Potter books I expected a lot more from the movie adaptations. Off course there are a lot they had to omit in making the movie. But I have to say that they gave the last book in the Harry Potter series justice. It is every good ending to the movie adaptations. 

The ending fight scene between Harry and Voldemort (Tom Riddle) was magnificent. I have to admit that I prefer the movie version compared to the book. When I was reading the book and finished reading the final confrontation I said to myself "Is that it?". There must be more? I was not disappointed  who the movie portrayed it. Watching your imagination come to life in the big screen. But when they show they do a better job compared to book, that is a treat.

As many have commented, The movie marker was able redeem themselves with this finally installment.  The previous movies were really disappointing except for the sorcerer's stone and Chamber of secret. If the 3rd to 6th movie was done better, viewers who never read the book might have considered it unforgettable. 

All in all. The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is great movie! 

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